
John 3:16 says, "God so loved the world that He gave His only son; that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

To some this might be a general verse that most know; however to us, this verse is the very cornerstone of what we are about.  We believe that God's love should be shown to everyone, and that through that love individuals can experience freedom, peace, joy, and abundance in their lives.  Our heart is to reach out to those who have been forgotten, abandoned, feel lost, and just need a safe place to call home.  We look forward to meeting you; everyone is welcome so please feel free to explore this page and all that we have available to you and your family.

What to expect at Lifegate

   If this is your first visit to Lifegate Church, you will be greeted by some great people as you make your way inside. Most of our people dress casually in what is comfortable for the season of the year, but some might prefer more dressy apparel. We just want you to be comfortable.

   Our praise & worship is a big part of our Sunday morning experience. The style of music is "contemporary" drawing on songs from Bethel, Hillsong, Morningstar, Rick Pino, and others. Some will clap and raise their hands, and others will lift up a banner to The Lord. The primary thing to realize is that this is a time of great celebration for what God has accomplished in our lives.

   Later in the service the ushers will pass the offering plates, in order to give us a chance to support the many ministries of Lifegate Church.  Those who wish to donate may do so by cash, check, or debit and credit card. This will be followed by an encouraging life giving message from the Bible that is sure to minister to you.

   Our services are in English, but we have Spanish interpretation through headsets. If you need this service, please mention it to an usher as you come in.